A data center is a special facility in which companies store the machines used for their offline or online services - web hosting, mail servers, computing, file storage, and so on. The data center provides the environment for the web servers accommodated there to work at their greatest capacity while conserving their life. This is accomplished by providing optimum environmental conditions - temperatures, air humidity, protection against natural disasters, etc. All data centers also feature electric power and Internet backups, which are a safeguard in the case of infrastructural problems, and which ensure the continuous work of the web servers and the access to them. The reduced access to this kind of facilities adds an additional layer of security against unauthorized access by third-parties. If you employ the online services of any firm, a good data center will greatly improve the standard of the service and your user experience.

Data centers in Cloud Web Hosting

If you choose to sign up for one of our cloud web hosting solutions, you will have a choice between 5 of the best data centers on three different continents - Colohouse in Chicago, U.S., UK Servers in Coventry, England, S3Company in Sofia, Bulgaria, Ficolo in Pori, Finland and Amaze in Sydney, AU. This shall allow you to pick a spot closer to your visitors, so they'll be able to enjoy fast loading speeds at all times. Each facility has multi-gigabit connectivity, excellent environmental controls and knowledgeable 24/7 technical support, which is the main reason why we work with them for years. As they provide exceptional server upkeep, we can concentrate on developing our hosting services in order to offer you the very best service without having to worry about our servers. We have employed our advanced cloud platform in all of the five locations, so you could take full advantage of it and enjoy an outstanding service irrespective of the data center that you select.

Data centers in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you go for one of our semi-dedicated hosting plans, you shall find 5 data centers to pick from on the order page. The reason to offer multiple locations is to make sure that your website visitors will enjoy fast loading speeds whatever their physical location. The revolutionary hosting platform that we use for the semi-dedicated accounts is available in all five places - the U.S., the UK, Bulgaria, Australia and Finland, so you shall receive the same high-quality service irrespective of your choice. All 5 facilities employ enterprise-level UPS units and powerful diesel generators to make certain that all servers accommodated within each of them will remain operational in case of a power outage. The connectivity to the servers is ensured by employing a number of Internet service providers with direct fiber routes to big cities on every continent. If any unpredicted difficulty occurs, it will be resolved promptly by experienced tech support teams that are available 24/7 in each one of the five facilities.

Data centers in VPS Web Hosting

In order to offer you a choice where your Internet sites will be placed, we offer OpenVZ virtual private servers on three different continents. We've got hosting servers in Chicago (US), Coventry (England), Sofia (Bulgaria), Pori (Finland) and Sydney (Australia), so your new VPS could be set up closer to your target audience. Each of the facilities offers superb connectivity by using some of the major Internet service providers in the respective country, so you shall enjoy incredible loading speeds from anywhere, but for your advantage we provide you with a choice for the location. The continuous operation of the servers where your Virtual Private Server will be created is guaranteed by effective generators and UPS units, so your sites shall be up and running irrespective of any unexpected infrastructural issues that can take place. We avoid hardware issues as well by using backup hosting servers and the most recent generation of network devices in all of the facilities. One of the main advantages of acquiring an OpenVZ VPS from our company is that the hosting servers within all 5 data centers where the accounts are set up work with Solid-State Drives which are way quicker than the classic Harddrives.

Data centers in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The dedicated servers we offer to our prospective and current customers are housed in one of the major data centers in North America - the Colohouse facility, that is situated in Chicago, IL. The excellent location in the heart of the continent is the key reason for quite a few businesses to select the data center for their hosting servers as direct fiber routes to a number of of the major cities through numerous Tier-3 Internet service providers guarantee superb access speeds. This redundancy and highly effective diesel generators which could keep the whole facility functioning for days guarantee that your dedicated hosting server will be functioning and accessible regardless of any infrastructural challenges or natural disasters. We also have spares there and a skilled technical support staff that is available 24/7 to take care of any hardware issue that could surface. By using a dedicated hosting server inside our Chicago data center, you will enjoy a fast and reliable web hosting service and you'll be able to reach hundreds of millions of Internet users without difficulty.