PhpPgAdmin is among the most popular tools for managing PostgreSQL databases. It's intuitive, at the same time powerful and you are able to perform any action you want to - import, export or update each cell, row or table in a database; grant, revoke or adjust the permissions of a certain user; execute SQL queries and a lot more. When you want to have a backup copy of a PostgreSQL-driven website, for instance, or transfer it to another hosting supplier, you can export the whole database in a format of your preference - SQL, CSV, XML, XHTML and so on. With phpPgAdmin, you will have full control over your databases and anything related to them. The instrument was in fact intended to be the PostgreSQL alternative of phpMyAdmin, however today the two have very little in common in terms of the user interface.

phpPgAdmin in Cloud Web Hosting

PhpPgAdmin is accessible with every single cloud web hosting service that we provide and you can sign in to it and handle any PostgreSQL database automatically or manually. For the first alternative, you need to sign in to your Hepsia hosting Control Panel and head to the PostgreSQL area where you will find a phpPgAdmin icon beside each of the databases that you've created. Right-clicking the icon opens a brand new browser tab and you will be signed in immediately. For the second choice, you have to visit our phpPgAdmin login page and enter the database credentials. This option allows you to give access to a web designer to work on any of your sites while the other web content, e-mail messages and personal info stay inaccessible as they will not go through your Control Panel.

phpPgAdmin in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We supply phpPgAdmin with all of our semi-dedicated hosting and you'll be able to use it to control any PostgreSQL database you create through your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. As soon as you create a new database, a phpPgAdmin button will show up next to it, which means that with just a click you will be able to sign in to the application and check out the content of that particular database. You won't need to enter any username or password as long as you go through your web hosting account, but if you would like to sign in manually or to grant admission to a database to another person, you can also do that. Thus, if you take care of the account but the company IT person controls the web content, for example, he can work on the site without accessing any email messages or other private details.