If you use an email account with your very own personal domain and not a 3rd-party one, you will be able to make use of an email software app such as Apple Mail, Outlook or Thunderbird to access and manage your email accounts. The benefit of using such applications is that you can also take advantage of other features, such as calendars and address books. There are two email retrieval protocols that you can select from when you set up the application of your liking to access your mailbox – POP3 and IMAP. With the first one, all messages that are received will be downloaded onto your device – desktop or mobile, unless you choose to store a copy on the server. With the second one, the email messages will be displayed at your end, but they will stay on the server at all times, so you can set up the account on numerous devices and access the messages from any place. You will also be able to examine old emails in case there’s a problem with your Internet service, which is a big advantage over a web-based service.

POP3 IMAP E-mail Accounts in Cloud Web Hosting

Each and every cloud web hosting package that we offer will permit you to create mailboxes with any domain name hosted in your account and to set them up on any device. During the setup process, you can pick between the IMAP and the POP3 protocols, as we offer support for both, so you can choose which one to use according to your preference and the purpose of the account – you may choose to download all email messages if you have a personal account and to store the messages on the server – if you’ve got a business account, for example. The Email Manager, which is included in our custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel, permits you to download and run a small-sized configuration file, so as to set up a mailbox with an email software program – Thunderbird, Apple Mail or Outlook. You can even use your mobile phone to get your emails and we’ve got a comprehensive tutorial on how to do this on an iPhone or an Android phone.

POP3 IMAP E-mail Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You can select between the POP3 and the IMAP email protocols if you’ve got a semi-dedicated server account with our company. We offer support for both of them, so you can choose what to do with your messages – to download them onto your PC or to keep them on the mail server and to check them from different devices. The second option will also permit different individuals to use the exact same email account – if you are hosting a corporate website on our servers, for example. You can find auto-configuration files in the Email Manager section of our Hepsia Control Panel, which will enable you to set up everything automatically in an email software program of your choosing – Thunderbird, Outlook or Apple Mail, so you won’t need to tweak any settings manually. In case you’ve got a smartphone, you can add any mailbox just as easily – just follow our exhaustive tutorials for Android and iPhone. To make things even simpler, the help articles include step-by-step screen-caps.

POP3 IMAP E-mail Accounts in VPS Web Hosting

If you get a virtual private server from our company, you will be able to create an unlimited number of mailboxes with any domain name hosted on the server and to set them up with any email software app. This is valid regardless of the hosting Control Panel that you’ll pick during the VPS order procedure, as we will set up POP3 and IMAP mail servers on the VPS in all cases. You will be able to choose either option and, to make things even easier, you will be able to download auto-config files for Thunderbird, Outlook or Apple Mail – if you get the VPS with cPanel or with our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel. You can set up email accounts on any device without any limitations, even on your mobile phone – if you travel a lot and you wish to keep in contact with buddies and colleagues. With us, you can decide whether to download the emails or to save them on the email server depending on what you will use the email accounts for and on how many individuals will need to be able to access them.