Finland Based Data Center

We partner with one of Finland's major co-location companies - Ficolo. Our Finnish data center is, in fact, an ex military center positioned underground. It is meant to continue functioning no matter what takes place in the outside world - whether it is an aerial attack, a close-range EMP blast or a natural disaster. Thus, we are able to provide full protection for your websites.

In addition to the physical security, the Finnish data center is also properly connected to the rest of the world. Because of its close proximity with Russia, it is a good choice for anybody who needs to get into the vast Russian market and to supply top worldwide web connectivity to their potential clients. Precisely the same also applies for the rest of the countries in Northern and Central Europe.

  • Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - $33.49/year
  • .BARGAINS - $30.99/year
  • .CAFE - $36.49/year
  • Compare Domain Names

Cloud Web Hosting Services in Finland

Enjoy a risk-free cloud web hosting service in our Finnish data center. We've set up our highly-effective cloud web hosting servers in such a way to match up with the high level of security provided by this belowground data center facility. With each and every cloud web hosting account, you will receive 99.9% server and network uptime warranties, as well as a no-questions-asked, 30-day money back guarantee.

To further boost the security of your sites, all cloud web hosting accounts have ModSecurity activated automatically. It is a powerful firewall, which will guard your website from the most common hacking attacks.

Hosting your web site with us will bring you a speed boost - all of our cloud web hosting servers are fitted out with extremely fast NVMe drives and make use of a special file system (ZFS), which is designed in such a way as to take advantage of the much enhanced read/write times provided by the previously mentioned NVMe drives. And we also provide a collection of special web accelerators, which can help you improve the efficiency of your site significantly.

OpenVZ VPS Web Hosting In Finland

If you're looking for a safe VPS hosting experience, have a look at our OpenVZ Virtual Private Servers inside our Finnish data center. They offer unmatched levels of security. Not only will your sites be located within an underground data center, which is, in fact, an ex-military compound, but they are also protected by a powerful internal network. Along with our Web Hosting Control Panel, you'll receive a collection of firewalls, that can filter incoming and outbound connections.

Apart from the powerful security layer, our OpenVZ VPS servers feature very efficient hardware and extremely quick NVMe drives. Their processing power equals a dedicated server, yet come at a much lower price.


 CPU Core(s)
 Disk Space
 Monthly Traffic

Semi-dedicated Hosting In Finland

The Ficolo data center is the perfect home for your semi-dedicated server. It gives you the essential website hosting environment to make your resource-consuming web sites and web applications operate efficiently: superb local and international connectivity, top-level physical and network security and, most importantly - a disaster-proof subterranean location. With the semi-dedicated hosting, you'll receive a 99.9% network uptime warranty.

Thanks to the Ficolo data center's accommodating colocation policy, we've been able to use our own cloud hosting platform, that relies on NVMe-powered servers plus the ZFS file storage system. This will give you the best data processing and backup speeds. In addition, you will get generous CPU quotas for your demanding sites and applications, along with lavish database query quotas.

  • Service Guarantees

  • Top-of-the-line cloud hosting solutions in Finland. Enjoy a warranted 99.9% service uptime, a 99.9% network uptime as well as an amazing 24/7 technical support service.
  • Compare Our Prices

  • Inside our Finnish data center, we provide several cloud hosting plans. Find out more about the prices and characteristics and pick the one that suits you best.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Why Us

  • If you are searching for a warranted uptime, an easy to use Control Panel and a technical support team that can be there for you, then you are at the best place.
  • Contact Us

  • If you'd like further information, feel free to make contact with us. Our representatives will be able to answer questions you may have.